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The Bulk! statistics & best solutions

Users accepted Submissions Accepted Wrong Answer Compile Error Runtime Error Time Limit Exceeded
510 4282 676 1535 1132 462 435

81 2009-06-28 01:53:55 Julian Schwinger accepted 0.14 2.7M CPP
82 2010-07-20 06:56:31 LTang accepted 0.14 3.5M CPP
83 2022-10-07 00:34:08 pgergo03 accepted 0.14 5.3M CPP
84 2006-11-01 02:00:27 Przemyslaw accepted 0.15 4.7M CPP
85 2007-04-23 11:00:11 Bommisetty Indraneel accepted 0.15 3.7M CPP
86 2023-05-13 19:35:59 Tillu accepted 0.16 5.2M CPP
87 2023-06-13 18:07:12 bhavesh accepted 0.16 5.3M CPP
88 2023-10-05 19:31:49 Shashi accepted 0.16 5.2M CPP
89 2023-11-30 05:46:05 Matthew accepted 0.16 5.2M CPP
90 2024-01-12 09:23:03 arifa accepted 0.16 5.1M CPP
91 2024-09-06 12:36:52 Vidyasagar accepted 0.16 5.2M CPP
92 2007-02-07 07:02:24 Yahuco accepted 0.17 2.7M CPP
93 2007-11-12 15:01:00 thanumalayan accepted 0.17 6.5M CPP
94 2008-08-15 13:14:58 hekacyr accepted 0.17 3.4M CPP
95 2022-06-26 16:15:48 kalucki23 accepted 0.17 5.4M CPP
96 2023-05-13 19:33:15 honey accepted 0.17 5.3M CPP
97 2023-06-21 06:02:34 fayaz accepted 0.17 5.3M CPP
98 2023-08-13 08:15:12 Dattathreya accepted 0.17 5.3M CPP
99 2023-08-23 11:32:16 smit accepted 0.17 5.4M CPP
100 2023-09-27 08:19:05 Potter accepted 0.17 5.3M CPP